I was dead chuffed this morning to discover I’ve been included in industry mag MCV’s ’30 Under 30′ feature this year. It’s an annual feature profiling “the 30 most brilliant young people working in the UK games industry right now,” so it’s a real thrill to be called a young person, let alone brilliant.
Game If You Are might be my brainchild, but it’s a consultancy that wouldn’t be able to exist were it not for the fantastic collaborators that work alongside me – both those who help with day-to-day running of the business, and the experts that hop on-board on a project-by-project basis to deliver the best and most tailored campaigns possible for our clients.
Not to mention, of course, the 20+ games studios who’ve taken a punt on a start-up PR consultancy over the past 13 months, and to whom we’ve hopefully proven our worth.
Thanks, everyone!
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