Fortunately, Steam came back online quickly enough and the game launched to critical acclaim – with glowing coverage from PC Gamer, IGN, Polygon, and Rock Paper Shotgun, to name but a few. The game was also an instant commercial success, selling thousands of copies by the end of its first day on the market and charting highly on Steam, leading to significant store page visibility.
NotGames had a clear path they intended to take throughout Early Access, and – this being an FMV game – were all ready to start filming their next chapter. It was around this time than an incredibly inconvenient pandemic swept the planet. One of the developers ended up stuck in Australia, unable to leave the country – and back home, the rest of us were ordered into quarantine. Filming ground to an immediate halt.
NotGames and tinyBuild are very clever people, though, and a plan was hatched to write an all-new chapter that could be filmed and created entirely remotely. NotGames wrote the story of a national lockdown caused by thousands of malfunctioning and murderous children’s toys, and we worked with both the publisher and the developers to flesh out an effective messaging strategy to quickly convey the new story and the manner in which it had been created. Not For Broadcast: Lockdown itself ended up being a huge hit, with critical acclaim and glowing reviews from Steam users.